Think'n Green

Recycling Program

Here at APi-marketing, we take our recycling seriously

  • Over 90% of the printed paper waste is recycled weekly.
  • We strive to recycle 100% of our "box board" either though recycled pickup or by reuse of the boxes.
  • 100% of all packing material is reused.
  • 100% of the unused and unneeded paper is donated to local preschools, kindergartens, churches, or clubs.
  • 100% of our metal plates are recycled and money received goes into the company pizza fund.
  • 100% of our unused ink is picked up by a licensed waste hauler and used as a fuel for making bricks.

Recycling Facts

  • Paper recovery for recycling has reached or exceeded 63 percent each year since 2009.
  • Total paper recovery in the U.S. exceeded 52 million tons in 2016.
  • Producing recycled white paper creates 74% less air pollution, 35% less water pollution, and 75% less processed energy than producing paper from virgin fibers.
  • 40 percent of all waste going to landfills is paper. Cutting down on paper waste will extend the lives of our landfills.
  • Over one-third of new paper is produced with recycled fiber. Other fiber sources include whole trees and plants (one-third), as well as residue from sawmills (one-third). By weight, paper comprises more than a third of all recyclables collected in the US, nearly 45 million tons in 2010.
  • On a daily basis, U.S. papermakers recycle enough paper to fill a 14-mile long train of boxcars.

The environment and sustainability are major factors in every decision we make...

Two Sides Myths and Facts

“Two Sides Myths and Facts”

APi-marketing has a history of prioritizing environmental stewardship with the use of sustainable materials and preservation of natural resources. Print is both environmentally and socially responsible as new technologies have allowed the industry to continuously strive for greener materials. This evolution allows us to use paper more efficiently and, more importantly, use safer materials for our workers, community, and environment.

Do You Know The Facts? an marketing campaign to raise awareness about the business and environmental benefits of print as an effective marketing communications channel. The campaign aims to dispel the myths and misconceptions that paper and print marketing campaigns are harmful to the environment. Paper and print provide a sustainable means of communication and are an effective medium in a multi-channel marketing campaign.

WRAP Award

WRAP AwardThe Waste Reduction Awards Program (WRAP) was an annual program, established in 1993 by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, that recognized California businesses that made outstanding efforts to reduce nonhazardous waste and send less garbage to our landfills. Though the California WRAP Award program ended in 2011, our commitment to reducing waste through recycling initiatives continues to this day.

Our company is proud to have received the WRAP Award for almost every year from 1996 to 2011. One of the more unique recycling policies here is buying our employees lunch! With the money received from recycled metal plates used for printing (approximately 100 lbs. per week), we frequently provide a restaurant take-out lunch to our employees. Money from recycled cans and bottles also goes into this fund. Link to State of California WRAP Website