Forms & Links
Below are links to some of our frequently requested forms and a description of their use. If you have any questions about filling out the appropriate form, please call us at (530) 885-9674. Click the link to open the required form. Then print, fill-out, and return the form to us via fax at (530) 885-6517, or in person/mail to 13020 Earhart Avenue, Auburn 95602.
Resale Card
Generally, anyone who is not the end user of their printed items should fill out a resale card. For example, if you are a designer hired by a company to design and print an item, your customer is the end user, not you. By filling this out, and including your California resale number, you will avoid being taxed by APi-marketing on the item.
Credit Application
The first time you print with us, we will require a 50% deposit. Should you choose to continue doing business with us, and we hope you do, we will require that you fill out a credit application. If you own a business for which we have done printing in the past, but we have not done printing for you directly, you will still need to fill out a credit application.
Computer File Output Request
Ideally, every customer who comes to us with artwork will fill out this form. It gives us all the information we need to properly open and work with your file.
Employment Application
Anyone wishing to apply for employment with APi-marketing can fill out this employment application. Be sure to include which position you are applying for, and fax or bring in any necessary documents (such as a DMV report for a driving position) with the application.
Layout Templates
To ensure your printing project conforms to APi-marketing printing requirements, please use one of our layout templates. This will ensure your project will be completed quickly, without delays due to incorrect positioning or lack of sufficient bleed. For layout requirements for custom or complex projects, please give us a call.