Tevis Forum 2022

TEVIS FORUM 2022 - 9 www.teviscup.org The Dru Barner Award has its roots since the inception of the Western States Trail Foundation in 1953. Drucilla Barner was Wen- dell Robie’s executive secretary at his bank as well as during the early years of the Tevis Ride. In 1961 she was the first woman to win the Tevis Cup. Dru dedicated her time and effort to support the WSTF and upon her death, a portion of her estate. In her memory, the WSTF recognizes individuals who exemplify the dedication and spirit that are the legacy of Dru Barner. This year the WSTF has chosen Kate Riordan for the award. Since 1968 Kate has worked diligently on promoting and preserving the Tevis Ride and trail. “Words cannot express how much I feel honored by the bestowing of the Dru Barner Award,” reflected Kate amongst tears. “It truly came out of the blue. When Jeff Herten said to ‘please join the board ZOOM meeting,’ I thought it was to ask me to join a committee. And then when my danged cell phone kept dropping the call, I thought, ‘Oh well. He’ll ask me some other day.’ “Little did I know that the reason for joining the call was to honor me with what I deem the highest award of the Foundation. I remember years ago when we started the Dru Barner Award and I made the plaque that hangs at the WSTF office. I thought, ‘Those who will be listed here have truly earned this award; they have put their shoulders in the harness and made a difference.’ I never dreamt that someday my name would be there, too. For years I was part of the original Dru Barner Award com- mittee that decided who the recipi- ent would be. Often the committee consisted of Kathie Perry and me; we knew who deserved the award and it was a really short phone call between the two of us. “I have been involved with Te- vis since 1968, when I crewed out of my Volkswagen, which was almost swallowed up by huge ruts on Soda Springs Road!” Not the least role of her dedica- tion, Kate sat on the WSTF board for over 25 years and now as a Director Emeritus. It was over two decades ago when Kate created the Tevis Forum. Kate was its editor and graphic artist and the Forum became a significant marketing tool and record for the Western States Trail Ride. Kate and fellow board member Heather Davis also car- ried out a vision known as FOWSTA (Friends of the Western States Trail Alliance), a significant fund raiser that led to the Western States Trail Endowment Fund. “I barely knew what ‘endowment’ meant, but I could layout and design brochures for the Fund, so I earned my keep that way!” Over the years the Tevis was covered by a number of movie companies, journalists and photographers that Kate coordinated and directed. “One year,” she remembers, “I had nine major film companies scattered along the trail and in the air. It was like herding cats!” She was also the executive producer, along with Hal Hall, of the documentary “They Crossed the Mountains,” detailing the history of the Western States Trail which was shown on PBS. Kate was the inspiration for the Wendell Robie Trophy. “Over the years we’ve honored Tevis and Hagginwith beautiful sterling cups for first place and best condition,” she reflects. “But we never had a special award for Wendell Robie, which really bothered me. After all, Wendell was the founder of the Western States Trail Foundation and the reason we’re all together today. So as my parting idea to the board when I resigned, I suggested we do some- thing to respect Wendell that hon- ored those remarkable horses who have done the Tevis over and over again. Now the beautiful bronze Wendell Robie Trophy, designed by Diana Hiiesalu, is an image of Wendell watering his horse from his canteen. It bears the names of those incredible horses who have completed Tevis five times or more. My dream is complete! “Few things in life are accom- plished without the help of others,” Kate said somberly. “I want to thank everyone who held my hand and guided me throughout those 54 years of being involved with Tevis. You know who you are: A huge tip of the Stetson and a ‘bravo’ to you all. Thank you; you are a great part of this award. “And so, my heart reaches out with gratitude and humility. You have made such a difference to my spirit.” Thank you, Kate, for your dedi- cation and devotion. It’s with great gratitude that WSTF honors you with the 2022 Dru Barner Award. The 2022 Drucilla Barner Award Kate Riordan by Barbara Jacinto