Tevis Forum 2013

TEVIS FORUM 2013 ★ 33 Local area retailers: Christensen’s /RRPLV &$ ‡ Douglas Ranch Supply *UDQLWH %D\ &$ ‡ Action Rider Tack www.actionridertack.com The Tevis Store www.wstf.catalog.com Look for Kerrits at the event site in these locations: Proud sponsor of the Tevis Cup Ride Echo Valley Ranch $XEXUQ &$ ‡ Lee’s Feed and Western Wear 6KLQJOH 6SULQJV &$ ‡ 9LVLW NHUULWV FRP WR ÀQG D GHDOHU QHDU \RX Flow Rise Performance 7LJKWV Team Rider – Beverly Gray Ice Fil ® 6KRUWVOHHYH Ice Fil ® /RQJVOHHYH Stay Fresh & Cool! Cooler than an other riding shirt!