Tevis Forum 2012

TEVIS FORUM 2012 + 45 perhaps giving the incentive for the husband to get his butt in the saddle and “get ‘er done!” Some couples ride together, giving one another and their horses companionship and encouragement. Others do better riding apart and covering the trail at their own pace. A review of the records suggest that the next couple to join this group should be Robert (12) and Melissa Ribley (8). Other eminent possibilities are Hal (28) and Annie Hall (7), and Doctors Debby Lyons (10) and Jeff Herten ( 5). With their expertise, horsemanship and vitality, the Rib- leys might become our very first Two Thousand Mile couple. Stay tuned ! Q Roger Yohe and Linda Glazier, one of only six 1000-Mile Married Couples of Tevis.